Thursday, February 10, 2011

Why Care What We See?

Why should we analyze what we see in film and television? At first glance this question seems rather dull, if not unnecessary. Contrary to popular belief; however, critical analysis of film and television is absolutely vital. It would be a tragedy if we mindlessly received all this media with little to no concern about its content and intent.

Many things in today's world seem as though they are just absent-mindly put into place, like there is no real reason or cause behind it being created and displayed. The truth is that all media has some purpose- whether hidden or not, and it is our job as the consumers to disipher and disencode this purpose. If we do not analyze the media we are presented with, we become pawns in the media's hands, only doing their wishes. Who would want to be a pawn when they can be the queen?

Smith says in Chapter 1, "There is a temptation to treat film and television in a similar manner, as if spontaneous things occur by chance. Nothing could be further from the truth." This statement is so true, especially in today's world. It is our responsibility as consumers of today's media to critically study and critque the media messages we are confronted with in every day life.


  1. Good points! What are some examples of media that need to be analyzed to be appropriately understood, in your opinion?

  2. That optical illusion pic kind of hurts my eyes. Could it be a metaphor for the distractions media throws at us to avoid deciphering their intentions?

  3. I definitely think that all media needs to be analyzed, but especially things like movies and commercials. Music and other forms of media can be deceiving as well, but I feel like visual media is the most dangerous.

    bluekatchameleon- For sure! That's what I was going for, actually! I didn't want to post a picture that actually said "optical illusion" or anything, because I wanted people to read it and investigate for themselves. It's almost like I asked everyone to analyze and interpret my blog- a form of media!
