Thursday, February 3, 2011

Media and Audiences: Its Effects on Society

When I was asked to interview a parent about their opinions regarding media and its effects on their children, I immediately went to my own parents. Now I know it probably seems silly to ask my own parents about their standards and beliefs regarding media, but I think you will find that most parents probably feel the same way that mine do.

To begin with, my parents have always been very strict regarding the media that my brothers and I were able to access. From music to movies to television, our media outlets were always very closely monitored. My parents have very strong spiritual beliefs which definitely had a strong influence over the media they felt was appropriate for their children.The content of the shows we watched was always very important to my parents. If they did not view it was appropriate material, we were not going to watch it. It was just that simple. However, they also monitored our media for educational purposes.

As children, we were always limited to a certain amount of television and computer each day. My parents felt that limiting our "screen time," as they called it, would help promote a healthier mind. Not only would it promote a healthier mind, but it would also promote a healthier lifestyle. By spending less time in front of a computer or television screen, we spent more time outside playing and encouraging our young muscles to develop, as well as more time reading and encouraging the strengthening of our brains.

Statistically speaking, television impacts children today more than ever. When a group of 4-to-6 year-old children were asked if they preferred their television or their father, 54% preferred their television! Personally, I find this very upsetting. A piece of technology should never be able to replace a meaningful relative in your life, especially not your father! Not only that, but on average, American youth spend 1500 hours a year watching television, while spending only 900 hours in school.

When I researched the effects of television on intelligence, I found a website that listed the top 5 ways to increase your intelligence. Number one on the list was to limit the amount of time you spend watching television. Clearly, television and other sources of media can be a major detriment to the lifestyles of children. Overall, I feel that it is definitely necessary to not only limit the television permitted in your household, but to also encourage children to exercise their minds and bodies. Don't let your children die in front of a television screen. What a sad death it would be.

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