Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who Am I?

Who am I, exactly? Well, to begin with, I'm a southern girl who was raised in the backwoods of Georgia. Oglethorpe is the name of my tiny hometown.  I realize that even the name itself sounds like the south, but I love it. I was raised in the south, and I'm proud of that. Southern hospitality is something that everyone should practice. Secondly, I'm an athlete. I play lacrosse at Reinhardt University in Waleska, Georgia, but I played basketball in high school. I've been a pretty active person my entire life. Sports is just something I grew up with. Thirdly, I'm a musician. I have played piano for eight years, and I've taught myself guitar and ukulele over the past two years. Music is my passion. It's how I communicate with other people, and it's how I vent frustrations of my own. Lastly, I'm a Christian. Everything I do should not be for myself, but for a greater purpose-to bring others to the Gospel of Christ. He is the reason I am here, and I live my life to honor Him.
So, who am I? I'll let you make that decision for yourself.

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