Monday, January 24, 2011

Human Genome Project

For my PSY 101 class, I had to do research about the Human Genome Project. What I found absolutely disgusted me. This project was intended to research and identify all 20,000-25,000 human DNA. These intentions seem harmless at first glance, but what most people do not know is what the scientific community intends to do with the information they glean. Once all DNA had been successfully identified, scientists began to do specific, targeted searches for genetic illnesses and other diseases. Again, this all seems like a good attempt to simply protect us from unnecessary sickness.

Enter: genetic counselors. A genetic counselor’s job is to study your’s and your partner’s DNA to determine what your child may be potentially at risk for inheriting from either of you when he or she is conceived. The genetic counselor will review your DNA and help you decide whether or not you intend to keep your child’s DNA the same. Yes, you read that correctly. These scientists will help you genetically alter your child. Even if your child is not in any danger, genetically speaking, you will still have the option to choose whether or not to keep your child in their current state. Brown eyes? You’d rather have blue. Maybe a little darker skin tone wouldn’t hurt. Oh, let’s give them a little extra of daddy’s tall height genes while we’re at it. No harm in making the kid attractive, right? WRONG.

Excuse me, but I believe that the human body is sacred and holy. We are all made in the image of God! He constructed and formed us all individually as He desired, and we have no right to change that! Ethically, or otherwise. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 says, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body.” YOU. ARE. NOT. YOUR. OWN. You are God’s. He created you, and He bought you with the precious blood of His son. Why would you ever want to change God’s precious creation?

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you. We have no right to change God's creation at all. It may be better to not further experimentation to eliminate illnesses. I mean, humans have lived on earth for thousands of years...with illness. Is it worth eliminating some illnesses if there will be a chance for people to corrupt God's job of creation.
